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Aaron Evans
Aaron Evans

[101-102] [HOT]

Evaluation Students provide anonymous evaluations of the course. Instructors are urged to evaluate and revise individual syllabuses on a regular basis. ENG 101-102 is subject to curriculum review by the writing committee.


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Evaluation Students provide anonymous evaluations of the course. Instructors are urged to evaluate and revise individual syllabuses on a regular basis. ENG 101-102 is subject to curriculum review by the writing committee.

The Chemistry Department offers several introductory chemistry courses: Chemistry 100, Chemistry 101-102, Chemistry 104-105-106, Chemistry 107-108 and Chemistry 111. Chemistry 100 is a one-semester course designed for students with a weak or no high school science background. It is designed to prepare students for Chemistry 107-108 or Chemistry 111. Chemistry 100 does not fulfill the Harpur all-college requirement in math and science.

Chemistry 101-102 is a two-semester course in chemistry fundamentals designed for broad coverage of chemistry. Chemistry 101 covers many of the same topics as Chemistry 111; Chemistry 102 covers organic chemistry, biochemistry and physiological chemistry. The course sequence does not fulfill the prerequisite requirement for Chemistry 221, 231, 341, or 351. Chemistry 101-102 is required for the nursing degree. Chemistry 101 is offered in the fall semester only; Chemistry 102 is offered in the spring semester only. Not open to students who have credit for CHEM 104 or 105, CHEM 111, CHEM 107 or CHEM108. 041b061a72


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