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Ivan Titov
Ivan Titov

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MOBILE6 ModelMOBILE62.ZIP -- This zipped file allows users to download the MOBILE6 model, including HC, CO, NOx, PM, air toxics and supporting documentation. This release includes a draft method for estimating carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. EPA invites comments on this and asks that such comments be submitted by February 2003.This file includes the MOBILE6 model, the user guide, a "frequently asked questions" list, source code, and sample input and output files. The file can be unzipped with standard software such as WinZip. A "read-me" file explains the next steps for setting up and using the model. (October, 2002) 3M ZIPMOBILE6 User Guide -- This guide (also in MOBILE62.ZIP) provides detailed instructions for setting up and running MOBILE6 emission scenarios. (EPA420-R-02-028, October 2002) 1M PDFor 266K ZIP WPDPolicy Guidance on when MOBILE6 must be used for State Implementation Plans and Conformity -- This document lists questions and answers on how and when to use MOBILE6 in SIP development and transportation conformity decisions. 105K PDFTechnical Guidance on the Use of MOBILE6 for Emission Inventory Preparation -- This document provides EPA guidance on appropriate input assumptions and sources of data for the use of MOBILE6 in SIP and conformity related submissions.Cover Memo 98K PDFTechnical Guidance: 231K PDFor 332K WPDFrequently Asked Questions -- This document (a January 2002 version is also in MOBILE62.ZIP) lists questions from MOBILE6 users and answers from EPA staff. 66K PDFor 149K WPDExcel spreadsheet and Windows program to calculate the humidity ratio in grains of water per pound of dry air using relative humidity, barometric pressure, and ambient temperature as input. (February 2002) 16K XLSand578K ZIPFederal Register Notice of Availability: Official Release of the MOBILE6 Motor Vehicle Emissions Factor Model, published January 29, 2002. HTMLor48K PDFMOBILE6 Presentations:

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The original data are available at EUR-Lex portal ( in an unprocessed format. The documents were downloaded from EUR-Lex portal in HTML format. The relevant metadata and EUROVOC concepts were downloaded from the SPARQL endpoint of the Publications Office of EU ( ). 041b061a72


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